Gulshan Polyols Ltd, National Fertilizer Ltd, Suven Pharmaceuticals Ltd and Sundaram Finance Ltd are among the other gainers in the BSE's 'B' group today, 03 November 2020. Salona Cotspin Ltd surged 19.98% to Rs 78.35 at 12:08 IST. The stock was the biggest gainer in the BSE's 'B' group. On the BSE, 16607 shares were traded on the counter so far as against the average daily volumes of 441 shares in the past one month. Gulshan Polyols Ltd soared 10.00% to Rs 70.4. The stock was the second biggest gainer in 'B' group. On the BSE, 2776 shares were traded on the counter so far as against the average daily volumes of 6216 shares in the past one month. National Fertilizer Ltd spiked 8.85% to Rs 32.6. The stock was the third biggest gainer in 'B' group. On the BSE, 2.05 lakh shares were traded on the counter so far as against the average daily volumes of 25444 shares in the past one month. Suven Pharmaceuticals Ltd exploded 8.09% to Rs 324.15. The stock was the fourth biggest gainer in 'B' group. On the BSE, 15338 shares were traded on the counter so far as against the average daily volumes of 26661 shares in the past one month. Sundaram Finance Ltd rose 7.73% to Rs 1571.15. The stock was the fifth biggest gainer in 'B' group. On the BSE, 1325 shares were traded on the counter so far as against the average daily volumes of 3284 shares in the past one month.