Gujarat Ambuja Exports Ltd, UCO Bank, IFB Industries Ltd and Hikal Ltd are among the other gainers in the BSE's 'A' group today, 07 December 2022. Central Bank of India surged 7.01% to Rs 28.25 at 11:45 IST. The stock was the biggest gainer in the BSE's 'A' group. On the BSE, 107.62 lakh shares were traded on the counter so far as against the average daily volumes of 28.54 lakh shares in the past one month. Gujarat Ambuja Exports Ltd soared 6.94% to Rs 250.4. The stock was the second biggest gainer in 'A' group. On the BSE, 1.34 lakh shares were traded on the counter so far as against the average daily volumes of 22085 shares in the past one month. UCO Bank spiked 5.69% to Rs 22.3. The stock was the third biggest gainer in 'A' group. On the BSE, 63.71 lakh shares were traded on the counter so far as against the average daily volumes of 56.9 lakh shares in the past one month. IFB Industries Ltd gained 5.59% to Rs 960.9. The stock was the fourth biggest gainer in 'A' group. On the BSE, 35267 shares were traded on the counter so far as against the average daily volumes of 12829 shares in the past one month. Hikal Ltd spurt 5.57% to Rs 370.6. The stock was the fifth biggest gainer in 'A' group. On the BSE, 55148 shares were traded on the counter so far as against the average daily volumes of 20532 shares in the past one month.