Profit before tax jumped 53.47% QoQ to Rs 113.46 crore in Q4 FY24.
EBITDA stood at Rs 155 crore in Q4 FY24, registering the growth of 27% as compared with Rs 123 crore posted in corresponding quarter last year. EBITDA margin stood at 30% in Q4 FY24 as against 26% in Q3 FY24 on account of increase in utilization and marginal improvement in spreads.
Revenue contribution from Derivatives & Specialty segment increased to 52% in Q4FY24 as compared with 38% in Q4FY23.
On operational front, the company’s capacity utilization jumped to 83% in Q4 FY24 from 81% in Q3 FY24. QoQ realizations dropped for all the products, except for caustic soda and hydrogen peroxide.
On FY24 basis, the company’s net profit declined 44.61% to Rs 195.81 crore in FY24 from Rs 353.51 crore posted in FY23. Revenue from operations fell 11.84% YoY to Rs 1929.19 crore in FY24.
Meanwhile, the company’s board declared final dividend of Rs 5 per equity share for FY2024.
Maulik Patel, chairman and managing director, Epigral, said, “The company performed better on sequential basis in every quarter starting from Q2FY24. Our 55% growth in PAT on a sequential basis stands out despite challenging macroeconomics, subdued demand and drop in realizations. It delivered volume growth of 15% in FY2024 and 9% YoY in Q4FY24, saw major growth coming in from new projects commissioned in FY2023. It ended FY24, with Q4FY24 witnessing, QoQ, revenue growth of 11% and with EBIDTA margin of 30%.
Its past capex drove volume growth in FY2024. Similarly, we recently commissioned CPVC Resin capacity (45,000 TPA) and in H1FY25 it expects to commission Chlorotoluenes Value Chain and CPVC Compound facility, that will drive growth for coming years. With our focus on expanding Derivatives & Specialty business, diversifying the business model and strengthening our integrated complex.”
Epigral, formerly known as Meghmani Finechem, is a leading integrated manufacturer of chemicals in India. The company is the first to set up an Epichlorohydrin plant in the country and is also the largest capacity plant of CPVC Resin. Epigral is also India’s fourth largest manufacturer of caustic soda, chlorine and hydrogen and a leading manufacturer of caustic potash, chloromethanes and hydrogen peroxide.