Revenue from operations jumped 12% YoY to Rs 8,130 crore in Q1 FY25, on account of better metal volume and metal & silver prices, further supported by a strong dollar and partly offset by lower silver volume.
Profit before tax (PBT) advanced 19.31% YoY to Rs 3,114 crore during the quarter.
During the quarter, EBITDA stood at Rs 3,946 crore, registering the growth of 17% as compared with Rs 3,359 crore posted in corresponding quarter last year.
Zinc cost of production before royalty (COP) for the quarter stood at US$ 1,107 (INR 92,375) per MT, lower by 7% (lower by 6% in INR terms) y-o-y on account of softened coal and input commodity prices, better linkage coal availability and better mined metal grades, further supported by operational efficiencies year on year.
Mined metal production for the quarter was 263 kt, up 2% y-o-y on account of improved mined metal grades.
Refined metal production stood at 262 kt, up 1% YoY. Refined zinc production for the quarter was 211 kt, up 1% y-o-y & down 4% q-o-q.
Saleable silver production for the quarter was 167 MT, down 7% y-o-y and 12% q-o-q in line with lead metal production and WIP built up in the normal course of the business, on account of pyro operations being run on lead mode from June 2024. This WIP will be liquidated in the subsequent period.
Arun Misra, CEO, said: “Hindustan Zinc has started the year on a strong note, recording highest ever first quarter mined and refined metal production, leveraging strong metal prices during the quarter. It also gives me immense pleasure to inform you that we have expedited the commencement of our renewable energy power delivery with the receipt of the first flow of RE power from Serentica 180 MW solar project in May 2024.
Further expanding our zinc product portfolio in the world, we have launched Asia’s first low carbon ‘green’ zinc, EcoZen, produced using renewable energy and certified by a renowned global sustainability consulting firm for its life cycle carbon footprint assessment. It boasts a carbon footprint of less than 1 tCO2e per tonne of Zinc produced, about 75% lower than the global average. We strongly believe that we can create further value for the Company by ensuring creation of separate verticals for the recycling and silver businesses in the coming days.”
Hindustan Zinc, a Vedanta Group company, is an integrated producer of zinc, lead and silver. As of June 2024, Vedanta held 64.92% stake in the company.