Profit before tax stood at Rs 304.29 crore in June 2024 quarter, up 14.1% from Rs 266.69 crore posted in same quarter last year.
The recruitment business continued the uptick in Q1, whereas non-recruitment businesses also continued to grow with reduced operating losses.
Revenues growth in the recruitment business was 5.6% YoY and for non-recruitment business verticals namely 99acres (the real estate vertical), Jeevansathi (the matrimony business), and Shiksha (the education business) was 19.5%, 34.7%, and 18.4% respectively. Billings for the company on a standalone basis for the quarter grew by 10.8% YoY and stood at Rs 579.3 crore
The company maintained its operating profit margins at 35.6% of revenue and registered a growth of 8.8% in its operating profit which stood at Rs 227.3 crore on a standalone basis in Q1 FY25 as compared to Rs 208.9 crore in Q1 FY24.
The standalone business generated cash from operation (before taxes) of Rs 173.9 crore for the quarter, a growth of 20.2% YoY.
Hitesh Oberoi, managing director and chief executive officer, said, “I'm encouraged to see a slight rebound in our recruitment business after several weak quarters. Excellent execution in both 99acres and Jeevansathi helped reduce operational losses in these verticals from Rs 198 cr in FY23 to Rs 68cr in FY24 with Rs. 21cr cash generation in Q4.”
Chintan Thakkar, director and chief financial officer (CFO), said, “Our cash from operations grew by 13.2% year-over-year in Q4FY24, reaching a cash balance of Rs 4,191cr as of March 31st, 2024. This consistent performance in cash flow generation underscores our company's robust financial health and positions us well for future investments and shareholder returns.”
Info Edge (India) is among the leading internet companies in India. The company runs leading internet businesses viz.,, and The company also owns Quadrangle and Naukri Gulf. It has made significant strategic investments such as, and happily etc.