Revenue from operations was at Rs 1,362.6 crore in Q1 FY25, up 19.47% from Rs 1140.5 crore posted in Q1 FY24.
The company said that the growth in revenue and profits were driven primarily by exports formulation business.
Total income jumped 21.59% year on year to Rs 1,410.7 crore in the quarter ended 30 June 2024.
Profit before tax in Q1 FY25 stood at Rs 803.6 crore, up 60.72% as against Rs 500 crore reported in the same period a year ago.
The company’s revenue from API stood at Rs 39.2 crore (down 47.8% YoY), income from domestic formulations was at Rs 102.2 crore (down 22.81% YoY) and revenue from crop health sciences (CHS) came in at Rs 15.6 crore (down 65.1% YoY) during the period under review.
On the other hand, revenue from exports formulations jumped 36.86% YoY to Rs 1,210.10 crore during the quarter.
Meanwhile, the company’s board declared an interim dividend of Rs 3 per equity share in FY25, subject to approval of shareholders. The record date for the same is fixed on Friday, 23 August 2024. The payment of the dividend will start from 30 August 2024.
Natco Pharma is engaged in the business of pharmaceuticals which comprises research and development, manufacturing and selling of bulk drugs and finished dosage formulations. The company has manufacturing facilities in India which caters to both domestic and international markets including regulated markets like United States of America and Europe.